What Causes Ear Infections?

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The facts showed that:

The majority of ear aches are caused by infection from viruses, which antibiotics are useless against!

When antibiotics are repeatedly used for middle ear infection in children, it increases the chances of further infection by 200 - 600%! (Journal of the American Medical Association)

Repeated courses of antibiotics increases the chances that surgery will ultimately be needed

90% of children get better just as fast whether they take antibiotics or not. There is no significant differences in speed of relief of pain, how quickly temperature returns to normal or how soon ear discharge stops.

In adults with chronic middle ear infection there is no benefit whatever from antibiotic use (British Medical Journal)

Antibiotics have nasty side effects like destroying all the good and bad bacteria from the body and leading to immune suppression, gastrointestinal problems like bloating and diarrhea, and potential allergies.

The over prescription of antibiotics is also leading to drug-resistant forms of bacteria which nothing can kill. These bacteria pose a threat to you and your family's life!

Finally there is a solution to the pain and frustration of an ear infection...

Physicians have recommended Alkalol for patients with chronic middle ear infections.

For these patients, applying warm Alkalol with a soft rubber ear syringe has been effective in helping to

Clear up pus discharges and softening wax secretions, and as a satisfactory deodorant.

What is Alkalol?

What is swimmers ear?

If you are still having difficulty after you finish the treatment your doctor has prescribed, talk about a referral to a specialist. Water can be a problem in many peoples' ears. If drying your ears after swimming does not provide enough relief, you might want to consider swim plugs. These are custom made plugs just for your ears that would keep the water out.

Many people use them and find them comfortable and effective for keeping ears dry. Ear infections (swimmers ear) will vary in severity and duration. Your doctor is the best person to assess your particular problem and the correct treatment. Most ear infections do not cause permanent damage as long as they are treated in a timely fashion.

Swimming And Surfing Can Damage Your Hearing

Water can be a problem in many peoples' ears. If drying your ears after swimming does not provide enough relief, you might want to consider swim plugs. These are custom made plugs just for your ears that would keep the water out. Many people use them and find them comfortable and effective for keeping ears dry.

If you are still having difficulty after you finish the treatment your doctor has prescribed, talk about a referral to a specialist.

Heading to the beach for a surf or a swim can have an unusual side– you could get end up with earache or damage your hearing. Drawing attention to ‘swimmer’s ear’ and ‘surfer’s ear’ to raise awareness of how to prevent them and what to do if you suffer from either this summer.

Swimming and surfing is generally a quiet sport – but it can damage your hearing. It’s the exposure to water that causes the problems.

Swimmer’s ear or Otitis Externa is an infection of the ear canal when too much moisture irritates and breaks down the skin in the canal.

Symptoms include earache, itching or redness in the canal, hearing problems and sometimes an unpleasant smelling discharge.

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